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Add to Subtract

In last week's blog I discussed the "two step approach" to de-cluttering your life (both physically and emotionally). Subtracting extraneous things from your life is a great way to simplify. However, there are also ways tosubtract stress by adding things into your life. One thing you can do to simplify your daily life is to organize it. If you aren't ready to purge those old possessions, the least you can do is put a new system in place. The first step is to find a place for everything. You can start with a junk drawer or just finding a place to keep your keys. Feel free to start small but consistency is imperative. It can take a while to alter your behavior. The key is to stay focused. Don't lose sight of the goal- simplicity. Another way to simplify your life is by having a more reliable routine. Eliminate stress in the morning by picking out your clothes the night before. In addition, figure out what you need to take with you and have it ready by the door. These may seem like little things that won't make a difference but even planning meals ahead if time can reduce some stress day to day. The littlest things can make your life easier. Living simply can not only help you relax on a day to day basis but it can also help you maintain a sustainable happiness. Adapt a new attitude. Don't sweat the small stuff. It is important to accept your own mistakes and even the mistakes of others. Try to view yourself in a different light. If you do not like the person you are or have become, it is never too late to improve yourself. If you like the person you are, continue to work at becoming a stronger version of yourself. A new attitude can change your entire outlook on life. It is important to be honest and forgiving when it comes to ourselves. We are human. We make mistakes. However, it is important to assess why the mistake was made and decide how we can change the outcome to similar situations in the future. According to a blog called "a better life, screwing up and everything in between," the author has a post describing "100 ways to live a better life." One of my favorite ideas is number 32, "Write a Personal Mission Statement." This means taking time to sit down at your computer or with your journal and make a list of who you are, what you plan to do in your life, what you would like to improve on and what strengths you have and would like to keep. Why have a personal mission? It is a reminder of your goals. A wise person once told me that goals and dreams are nothing until you write them down. The human mind is a "settling" mind. What I mean by this is that if you feel you cannot achieve your goals, you may settle for less. We humans like to make excuses and exceptions. Once you have written your personal mission statement, you have concrete proof of who you want to be. Once you have written your personal mission statement, you are on your way to living more simply. Instituting a new routine or adding a better attitude can help you subtract some of life's main stressors. What can you add to subtract the stress? Do you have a personal mission statement? Do not forget to look for my next post in the upcoming weeks for more information on how to live a simpler life in this 21st Century.

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